Buxton Books Presents
A Beach Read and Cocktail Event with Annabel Monaghan
celebrating Same Time Next Summer
Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 6pm
It's beach read season, and what better way to celebrate it than with a Beach Read and Cocktail event with Annabel Monaghan, author of the much beloved Nora Goes Off Script, to talk about her newest book, Same Time Next Summer (out June 6)!
We don't think it does get any better than that which is why we are thrilled to announce that on Thursday, June 22, Annabel will be joining us in the bookstore for an author talk, signing, and toast to the books that make summer beach reading so much fun.
But that's not even the best part! We are thrilled to announce that after the author talk and a brief signing period concludes, we will gather for a book club discussion of Same Time Next Summer led by Annabel herself! Since we have a little over two weeks between when Same Time Next Summer releases and the event, we are inviting attendees to read the book in advance with us and come prepared to discuss and ask questions. Who among us has not read a book and immediately wanted to talk about it with the author? Well, now's your chance!
Two ticket options are offered - General Admission and A Book is Your Ticket. For those of you who would like to participate in the bookclub discussion (to be held after the conclusion of the author talk/signing), we recommend purchasing the A Book is Your Ticket option. When you purchase this ticket, your copy of Same Time Next Summer will be available for pick-up or shipping starting upon its release on June 6 - giving you plenty of time to read the book before the event! Of course, if you choose the A Book is Your Ticket option, you are under no obligation to pick up your book early. It will be waiting for you for pick-up at the event if that is more convenient and/or you are not interested in reading the book in advance.
All ticket holders are invited to stay for the book club discussion, but please be aware that it - unlike the author talk - will include spoilers!
This is a ticketed, in-store event. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Program begins at 6:00 pm. Once the author talk and a brief signing/personalization period concludes around 7:00 pm, we invite everyone to stick around for the book club discussion led by Annabel!